Project Description

Name                   : Mohammed.

Date of Birth       : May. 1974. Bait AL Faqih – Hodeidah

Marital status      : Married with Two Daughters and Three son

Scientific Rank    : Assistant Professor.

Nationality          : Yemeni.

 Interests               : Diving with my camera and Reading.

  1. Salam School, Bait AL Faqih – Hodeidah , 1994
  2. SC., The faculty of Science, Sana’a University, department of Oceanography with a final grade= very good with Honor in 1999
  3. SC., Faculty of Marine Science, King Abdulaziz University Department of Marine Biology, Jeddah, KSA, 2007. My thesis was about corals of the Red sea, the title of (Physiological and Ecological Studies of Pocillopora damicornis and Pocillopora verrucosa in Sharm Ubhur, Jeddah, Saudi Arabi). Before the thesis I studied 27 credit hours during the two years of my study and obtained excellent grade (4.61 / 5.00).
  4. D., Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University Department of biology, Jeddah, KSA, February 2012. My thesis is about corals of the Red sea, the title of (Physiological and Ecological Studies of Two Reef Building Coral Species Seriatopora hystrix and lobophyllia crymbosa in the Red Sea.) Before the thesis I studied 41 credit hours during the three years of my study and obtained excellent grade (4.96 / 5.00).
  1. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Marine Science and Environment, Hodeidah University, April .2012.
  2. Head Department of Marine Biology & Fisheries July2013–December 2013.
  3. Vice-Dean for student’s affairs, Faculty of Marine Science and Environment, Hodeidah University, from December 2013.
  4. Dean for Faculty of Science and Management, Bait AL Faqih – Hodeidah University, from October 2014 until
  • Books:
  • Al-Mahdawi, G . h; Alkawri, A. A and Floos ,Y. A. (2002). Technical and Bio-Technical in Fishery. Hodeidah University Press, Hodeidah, Yemen.

B- Research Papers and Articles:

  • Al-Sofyani, A. A. and Floos, Y. A. (2012) Influence of seawater temperature increment in Ubhur Creek corals, Jeddah, 12th International Coral Reef Symposim (ICRS 2012)
  • Floos ,Y. A. ,Al-Sofyani, A. A. and Zari ,T. A. (2012)  Sexual reproduction of two reef building coral species Seriatopora hystrix and Lobophyllia corymbosa in near the coast of Jeddah, in Red Sea Bioscience Biotechnology Research Asia, June 2012 ,Vo. 9 (1) , 63 -72.
  • Al-Sofyani A, Floos Y. A (2013) Effect of temperature on two reef-building corals Pocillopora damicornis and verrucosa in the Red Sea. Oceanologia. volume 55, issue 4, year 2013, pp. 917 – 935
  • Floos ,Y. A. , Al-Sofyani,   A. and Zari ,T.  A. (2015)  Seasonal variation in the biochemical components of two species hard coral Seriatopora hystrix and Lobophyllia corymbosa of Saudi Red Sea coast coast” Weber Microbiology Research, Vol. 1 (1) 2015, Article ID wmr_117, 102-108.
  • Floos ,Y. A. (2020) Seasonal Variation in Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration and Growth Rate of Two Reef Building Corals in the Red Sea Coast. Journal Tehama, Vol. (12) pp 1 -28 Hodiedah University, Republic of Yemen.
  • Floos ,Y. A. (2020) Seasonal Variations in the Biochemical Components of Two Species of Hard Corals Pocillopora  damicornis and Pocillopora verrucosa in the Ubhur Creek, coastal waters of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In review ( Abhath Journal)
  1. Successfully completed the 60-hour TOEFL preparation course in the period from 26/04/2008 to 04/06/2008, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, And I have been awarde (A) Grade.
  2. Center for Teaching and Learning Development, King Abdulaziz University Certificate of Attendance the training program “SPSS”, Apr 2007.
  3. Center for Teaching and Learning Development, King Abdulaziz University Certificate of Attendance the training program “Writing Scientific Papers”,April 2006.
  4. Blue Reef Divers . Jeddah, KSA, May 2004Certification, Open Water Diver.
  5. Blue Reef Divers. Jeddah, KSA, Jan. 2012 Certification, Advance Open Water Diver.
  6. Electron Microscopy Unit., Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University Certificate of Attendance the training program “Electron Microscopy Technique”, Jun 2009.
  7. A course at the MSS related to the National Science Foundation, on population dynamics and metabolic interactions between giant sea anemones and symbiotic anemone fish on Red Sea coral reefs :that was from 1-6-2009 until 30-6-2009 with students from USA and lecturers from several countries. In Marine Science Station –Aqaba-Jordan
  8. Has participated in the international conference on water conservation in Arid Regions from 10th to 12th of October 2009 as: ( Attendee)
  9. Participated as attendee in WORKSHOP:”The Red Sea Researches Past& Present”, Held in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),Thwal, Jeddah, K.S.A, on 8th  to 9th of March 2010 .
  10. Participated as attendee in the Fourth Saudi Science Conference Comtribution of Science Faculties In the Development process of KSA March 21-24/3/2010
  11. Participated as attendee in the Regional Training WORKSHOP:   “Climatology and Climate Variability of the Red Sea and Gulf Of Aden Large Marine Ecosystem “, Held in The Regional Organization For the Conservation of the Environment of The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)  , Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on  24th to 26th  of January  2011 .
  12. Participated as attendee in the 26 th Arab Engineering Conference Water Resources in the Arab Countries 7 th to 10 th January, 2012. Hilton Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  13. Coral Reef Conservation in The Red Sea Symposium January 2012 Jeddah-Saudi Arabia Held in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),Thwal, Jeddah, K.S.A
  14. Participated as speaker in the 27 th meeting of the Saudi biological society ( Econmics of Environment and Natural Resources, 13-15 Rabia Althni, 1433H (6-8 March 2012) In University of Jazan.
  15. Participated as poster in the 28 th meeting of the Saudi biological society ( Eco-tourism and Sustainable Development, 28/5 -1/6,1434H (9-11 April 2013) In University of Hail.
  16. Participated in Report: Environmental impact assessment study “Project Ras Issa facility” As Salif District – Hodeidah, Owner / founder, Mohammed Saleh Al-Issa,  mplementation: Alkharraz Office , December 2014.
  • General Biology (two terms).
  • Ecology of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
  • Marine Invertebrates (1)
  • Marine Invertebrates (2)
  • Ecology of Benthos and Coral Rreefs

Dr. Yahya Ahmed Mohammed FLoos.

Bait AL Faqih – Hodeidah city , Republic of Yemen

Office phone    : 00967-3-235116

Office Fax phone: 00967-3-235116

Home phone    : 00967-3-333186

Mobil phone    :(+967) 736856585 in Yemen

Emil                 :